Tuesday 16 February 2010

Let's make a deal...

304,Cyber Residency, Hyderabad: 4 AM in the morning.. Down with fever and severe cold:
One day God came to me and asked, "What do you want my child?"
Surprised and perplexed , I looked deep inside my heart and thought of things I wanted.. After some time I said , "God, I want two things.. A and B".

God said, " No.. No , you cant have both of them. You can only pick one of them and I will grant your wish."

Both A and B were very close to my heart and my deepest desires.. But as I could choose only one, I said, "God!! Give me B."

"Al right! You will have B in a few days", said God.

Happy and content that I would be getting B , I started waiting for the day to come..

Just a few days before I was supposed to get B , God reappeared and said , " Son, You will get B very shortly. But are you sure want B..? You can have C if you want instead of B."

God had dug deeper into my heart and found a more stronger , more powerful wish..Something that I desired more than I wanted A or B.. Something which I had intentionally overlooked... He found C.

And this vicious circle continued..

Every time I made a choice, God would dig deeper into my conscience and find out something that I wanted even more than what I chose earlier..

And by asking me to make a choice again and again , it seemed he was playing the game of "Let's make a deal" in which even though the chances of winning remain the same , the contestant has to go through the trauma of making choices..

But I guess as the participants the only thing we don't get to chose is if we want to play or quit... We just have to play on..!!

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