Friday 19 December 2008

The first blog..

Written:5:30 AM , Shantha's Place , London
               After a session of Dumb Charades

Well.. the day has arrived.. finally.
I have started penning down my thoughts,experiences,learning blah blah...definitely not for the benefit of the mankind. 
But I started writing coz' I have a sanguine belief that I too can write... Somewhere hidden inside me is writer.. probably not a Rushdie or a Tagore.. but definitely someone who can write.
If i could just hone my skills (which would take a lot of doing) I could be some one who people would like to read..

And its not only me.. i am sure there are millions of people around this world who feel the same way.
They feel  the urge to express themselves.. through pen or performance... But somehow there enthu is bogged down by the monotony of the life..

I have always been a good listener , a good reader... now is the time to change the way the rice is cooked.. Its time to be the speaker, the writer.

Somehow feel this is the time I need to seriously look forward to giving my heart and soul to my dream.. my dream since last 3-4 years.. Dream of a Management degree.. dream of studying in a reputed B-School.. 

The signals are all right... first this never ending project called Classic.. which btw has made me learn so much is going to be transitioned to another vendor... so i will definitely get a release from this project and will be back in India in next 3 months, giving me sufficient time to prepare for my exam.

Second, my laptop's HD crashes leaving me with no data at all.. all that I had done over a period of last year .. scripts,codes,documents, mails etc etc.. although i m heart broken by this incident i guess this is some kind of a hidden abtruse message asking me to move away from all this and start afresh.
I might me horribly wrong in thinking this way but i m an eternal optimist and i cant help seeing this the way i currently am.

This is a way of telling me that i am giving you a chance to start a new life.. use it well.
And damn i m going to make use of this opportunity.

Now coming to the name of the blog.. The chronicles of an entropic mind.. 
Its nothing..just a fancy name.. i might be entropic at times but I pretty much maintain my sanity at most times.

its 6 in the morning now.. not really feeling sleepy and i have a lot to write..But would definetely take a short nap before starting back home.. And after crying over my lost lappy and a game of dumbsy which made me enact movies like Hawas, Durgesh Nandini ,Biradari.. i definetely deserve my sweet slumber.


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